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BS EN 16907-1:2018


Earthworks – Principles and general rules

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BSI 2018 174
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This European Standard (Part 1) gives definitions, principles and general rules for the planning, design and specification of earthworks. It introduces the other parts of the standard, which will be used together with Part 1. Earthworks are a civil engineering process aimed at creating earth-structures by changing the geometry of the earth surface for construction or other activities. Application fields of earthworks are associated with: – transport infrastructures (road and motorways, railways, waterways, airports); – platforms for industrial, commercial and residential buildings; – water engineering, flood defence and coastal protection works; – harbours and airport areas, including the construction of embankments in water; – river dykes and marine embankments for land reclamation; – earth and rock fill dams; – onshore embankments made of hydraulically placed fill; – noise barriers, visual barrier, and other non-load bearing earthworks: – landscaping embankments; – backfilling of open mines and quarries; – tailings dams; They are characterized by the need to use available natural or recycled materials and to handle them in a way appropriate to yield prescribed properties. This standard is applicable to all types of earth-structures, except the cases listed below: – some specific types of works such as the execution of trenches and small earthworks may be organized using simplified or specific rules; – some structures, such as dykes and dams, need earthworks which have specific design and construction requirements: these may extend beyond the rules of this standard. This standard does not cover ground improvement beneath an earth-structure by techniques such as piling, jet grouting, deep soil mixing, vertical drains or stone columns. Due to the variable subsoil and climate conditions within Europe and to the different national contract conditions, national sets of rules have been established in several European countries which could not be harmonized within a short period by a European Standard. This European Standard gives therefore basic rules to reach the aims described above. Informative Annexes B to H of this document give examples of national practices following these rules.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
10 1 Scope
11 2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
3.1 Definitions
16 3.2 Abbreviations and symbols
19 4 Principles of earthworks design and execution
4.1 General
4.2 Stages of earthworks projects
20 4.3 Instructions for the execution of works
21 4.4 Relationship between earthworks and earth-structure design
22 4.5 Sustainable development and environmental considerations for earthworks
23 4.6 Risk management
24 4.7 Types of earthwork processes
5 Specific site and material investigations
5.1 Information needed for earthworks design
25 5.2 Coordination of ground investigations
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Site investigations for geotechnical design
5.2.3 Specific ground investigations for earthworks
26 5.2.4 Geotechnical reporting
5.3 Use of classification systems
27 6 Design of earthworks for fills
6.1 Introduction
28 6.2 Design procedure
6.2.1 General
29 6.2.2 Fill zones General Infrastructure fills
31 Filling large excavations and natural depressions
32 Land reclamation by dredged hydraulic fill
33 Buildings and structures on fill
34 6.3 Selection of the fill material properties and compaction process
6.3.1 General
35 6.3.2 Characterization of materials
36 6.3.3 Criteria for assessing the compacted fill material
37 6.3.4 Compaction behaviour of fill materials
39 6.3.5 Relationship testing to assess fill performance
40 6.3.6 Link between construction method and earthworks fill design
6.3.7 Use of full-scale tests to assess a compaction process for a given fill material
41 6.3.8 Design of fill cross-section
6.4 Details of specific parts, materials and earth structures
6.4.1 Introduction
6.4.2 Capping layers
42 6.4.3 Transition zones Introduction Half fill/half cut profiles Transition from embankment to cutting
43 Transition from embankment to structure Special lateral transitions or structures Interaction with structures crossing the fill
44 6.4.4 Fills on slopes
6.4.5 Specific materials
45 6.4.6 High fills
46 6.4.7 Fills on soft soils or areas prone to flooding
6.4.8 Fills built above cavities
47 6.4.9 Surplus materials
7 Design of earthworks for cuttings
7.1 General
7.2 Materials involved
48 7.3 Geometry
7.4 Drainage
7.5 Overall stability
7.6 Relevant properties of the cutting base (subgrade)
49 8 Design of earthworks formed by dredging and hydraulic placement of fills
9 Design of earthworks for hydraulic placement of wastes
50 10 Earthworks Drainage
10.1 Drainage for collecting water
53 10.2 Protection of slopes against erosion
11 Optimization of earthworks project design
54 12 Technical Specifications for earthworks
12.1 General
56 12.2 End product Specification
12.3 Method Specification
57 12.4 Performance Specification
13 Monitoring earthworks and checking earth-structures performance
13.1 Introduction
58 13.2 Needs and techniques for monitoring and checking earthworks
59 13.3 Checking earth-structure performance
14 Use of national experience and non-conflicting rules
14.1 General
14.2 Informative examples of experience-based national practices
61 Annex A (informative)Geometry definitions for earthworks and earth-structures
64 Annex B (informative)Summary of national practice – Austria
B.1 Introduction
65 B.2 Soil and Rock Classification
B.2.1 Soil classification according to ÖNORM B 4400-1
B.2.2 Soil and rock classification according to ÖNORM B 2205
B.2.2.1 General notes
B.2.2.2 Classification
B.3 Execution of earthworks
B.3.1 General
66 B.3.2 Soil and rock excavation
B.3.3 Preparation of formation level of subsoil (embankment foundations)
67 B.4 Construction of embankments and fills
B.4.1 Construction materials
68 B.4.2 Placement and compaction
B.4.2.1 Placement
B.4.2.2 Compacting procedures
70 B.4.3 Construction of formation level of sub-base
B.4.4 Construction of embankments and cut slopes
71 B.4.5 Backfilling and filling of structures
B.4.5.1 General
72 B.4.5.2 Construction material
73 B.4.5.3 Drainage
74 B.4.5.4 Placement and compaction
75 B.4.6 Filling of line trenches and covering of lines (pipes, cables)
B.4.6.1 General
B.4.6.2 Construction materials
76 B.4.6.3 Emplacement and compaction
B.4.7 Measures aimed at improving subsoil and fills
B.4.7.1 General
B.4.7.2 Soil compaction
B.4.7.3 Mechanical soil improvement
B.4.7.4 Soil replacement
B.4.7.5 Placement of geosynthetics
77 B.4.7.6 Soil improvement using binders – lime stabilization
B.4.7.7 Soil stabilization using hydraulic binders
B.4.7.8 Deeper measures aimed at improving the subsoil
78 B.4.7.9 Works carried out during and after frosty weather
B.5 Quality Control (Tests)
B.5.1 General
B.5.2 Test types
B.5.2.1 Overview
B.5.2.2 Initial test (suitability test)
B.5.2.3 Self-control (check)
79 B.5.2.4 Inspection (approval test)
B.5.2.5 Test cost
B.5.3 Test procedures
B.5.3.1 Test procedures to be used
80 B.5.3.2 Soil classification and sampling
B.5.3.3 Filter stability
B.5.3.4 Compaction
81 B.5.3.5 Position corresponding to the intended profile
B.5.3.6 Test contents
82 B.6 Literature
85 Annex C (informative)Summary of national practice – France
C.1 Introduction
C.2 Classification of materials
89 C.3 Design of Earthworks
C.3.1 Introduction
C.3.2 Specification of the mechanical properties to be obtained
91 C.3.3 Classification of hydric state of materials and weather conditions
92 C.3.4 Fill material
94 C.3.5 Capping layer
97 C.3.6 Compaction of fill
100 C.3.7 Extraction and transportation of soil and rocks
C.3.8 Compaction of materials
101 C.4 Control of earthworks
C.4.1 Introduction
C.4.2 Technical processes and control methods
C.4.2.1 Identification of materials
C.4.2.2 Preparation of materials
102 C.4.2.3 Earthmoving program
C.4.2.4 Compaction
103 C.4.2.5 Deformability
104 C.4.2.6 Drainage
C.4.2.7 Geometrical setting out of the works
C.5 References
106 Annex D (informative)Summary of national practice – Germany
D.1 Introduction
107 D.2 Classification of materials
D.2.1 Classification according to DIN 18196
D.2.1.1 General
108 D.2.1.2 Characteristics
111 D.2.1.3 Soil groups
112 D.2.2 Classification according to DIN 18300
D.2.2.1 Allocation of soil and rock into homogeneous areas
113 D.2.2.2 Description and allocation of other material
D.2.3 Classification of frost susceptibility of soil groups according to ZTV E-StB
114 D.3 Execution of earthworks
D.3.1 General
D.3.2 Loosening, loading and conveying
D.3.3 Placing and compacting
D.3.3.1 Execution
D.3.3.2 Compacting requirements
116 D.3.3.3 Modulus of deformation requirements
117 D.3.4 Special construction methods in earthworks according to ZTV E-StB
D.3.4.1 Soil treatment with binders
118 D.3.4.2 Mechanical soil improvement
D.3.4.3 Geosynthetics
D.4 Control of Earthworks
D.4.1 Types of testing
119 D.4.2 Testing methods
120 D.5 References
123 Annex E (informative)Summary of national practice – Norway
E.1 Introduction
E.2 Classification of materials
124 E.3 Design of earthworks
E.3.1 Dredging
E.3.2 Underwater blasting
125 E.3.3 Transportation at sea
E.3.4 Spreading and compaction of fills
E.3.4.1 Introduction
E.3.4.2 Norwegian Standard NS 3458 “Compaction – Requirements and execution”
129 E.3.4.3 Construction procedures for rock-fill
130 E.3.4.4 Deformations
E.3.4.5 Construction procedures for granular soils
131 E.3.4.6 Construction procedures for clay fill
135 E.3.5 Filling under water
E.3.5.1 General
E.3.5.2 Execution
136 E.3.5.3 Fill materials
137 E.3.5.4 Embankment slopes
E.3.6 Replacement / displacement of soft soil
138 E.3.7 Influence of weather conditions
E.4 Quality control of earthworks
139 E.5 References
140 Annex F (informative)Summary of national practice – Spain
F.1 Introduction
F.2 Classification of materials
F.2.1 General
F.2.2 Soil classes
143 F.2.3 Fill classes built with rocky materials
F.3 Possible use of marginal materials
F.3.1 General
F.3.2 Some marginal soils
F.3.2.1 Soils sensitive to collapse
F.3.2.2 Soils sensitive to swelling
F.3.2.3 Soils containing gypsum
144 F.3.2.4 Soils containing soluble salts different to gypsum
F.3.2.5 Soils containing organic matter
F.3.3 Some marginal rocks
F.3.3.1 General
F.3.3.2 Evolutive rocks
145 F.3.3.3 Rock containing oxidizable sulphides
F.3.3.4 Rock containing soluble minerals
F.3.3.5 Rock containing combustible minerals
F.3.3.6 Shape marginality
F.4 Preliminary design of earth-structure cross section
147 F.5 Types of earth-structures to be built
F.6 Basic construction rules
F.6.1 Preparation of the ground area to build the earth or rockfill
F.6.2 Earthfills
F.6.2.1 Spreading of the layers for earthfills
148 F.6.2.2 Wetting or drying a layer
F.6.2.3 Compacting
149 F.6.3 Rock and random fills
F.6.3.1 Spreading of the layers
150 F.6.3.2 Compacting
F.6.3.3 Adjustment of the working method
F.7 Control of earthworks
F.7.1 General
F.7.2 Earthfills
F.7.2.1 Tests to be performed
151 F.7.2.2 Frequencies of testing
F.7.3 Rock and Random fills
F.7.3.1 General
F.7.3.2 Random fills
F.7.3.3 Rock fills
152 F.8 Reference
153 Annex G (informative)Summary of national practice – Sweden
G.1 Introduction
G.2 Classification of materials
G.2.1 Introduction
G.2.2 Soil classification
155 G.2.3 Rock classification
G.3 Design of earthworks
G.4 Control of earthworks
157 Annex H (informative)Summary of national practice – United Kingdom
H.1 Introduction
H.2 Classification of materials
161 H.3 Design of earthworks
H.3.1 General
H.3.2 BS 6031:2009, Clause 8.2: Specification of earthworks by SHW approach
162 H.3.3 SHW required documentation within project earthworks specification
H.3.4 Compaction requirements (classification, design and construction aspects)
H.3.5 Alternative specifications
163 H.3.6 Additional requirements for deep fill areas/buildings and structures
H.3.7 Selection of fill material properties (earthworks fill design)
165 H.3.8 Extracts from core tables of UK Specification for Highway Works (SHW)
170 H.4 Control of earthworks during construction
H.5 References
BS EN 16907-1:2018