27.120.30 - Fissile materials and nuclear fuel technology
Showing 65–80 of 832 results
ISO 15651:2015
Énergie nucléaire — Dosage de la teneur totale en hydrogène de poudres de PuO2 et…
ISO 15647:2004
Energie nucléaire — Analyse isotopique de l’hexafluorure d’uranium — Méthode du double étalon pour la…
ISO 15646:2014
Re-sintering test for UO2, (U,Gd)O2 and (U,Pu)O2 pellets Published By Publication Date Number of Pages…
ISO 15366-2:2014
Nuclear fuel technology — Chemical separation and purification of uranium and plutonium in nitric acid…
ISO 15366:1999
Nuclear energy — Chemical separation and purification of uranium and plutonium in nitric acid solutions…
ISO 15366-1:2014
Technologie du combustible nucléaire — Séparation et purification chimiques de l’uranium et du plutonium dans…
ISO 13465:2009
Nuclear energy — Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of neptunium in nitric acid solutions by…
ISO 13464:1998
Simultaneous determination of uranium and plutonium in dissolver solutions from reprocessing plants — Combined method…
ISO 13463:1999
Poudre de dioxyde de plutonium de qualité nucléaire en vue de la fabrication de combustibles…
ISO 12807:2018
Safe transport of radioactive materials — Leakage testing on packages Published By Publication Date Number…
ISO 12807:1996
Safe transport of radioactive materials — Leakage testing on packages Published By Publication Date Number…
ISO 12803:1997
Representative sampling of plutonium nitrate solutions for determination of plutonium concentration Published By Publication Date…
ISO 12800:2017
Nuclear fuel technology — Guidelines on the measurement of the specific surface area of uranium…
ISO 12800:2003
Nuclear fuel technology — Guide to the measurement of the specific surface area of uranium…
ISO 12799:2015
Nuclear energy — Determination of nitrogen content in UO2, (U,Gd)O2 and (U,Pu)O2 sintered pellets —…
ISO 12795:2004
Nuclear fuel technology — Uranium dioxide powder and pellets — Determination of uranium and oxygen/uranium…